According to OMB Circular A-21, Section C: the composition of total costs of a sponsored
program is comprised of the allowable direct costs incident to the performance of
the agreement, plus the allocable portion of the allowable Facilities and Administrative
costs. The District (YCCD) and/or the Colleges (MJC/CC) are responsible for ensuring
that costs budgeted and charged to a sponsored program are allowable.
The purpose of the summary of allowable and unallowable costs categories serves as
a quick reference guide to assist sponsored program administrators and/or Project
Directors in clarifying the rationale and determining the allowability of selected
items of costs for federally funded programs. This guide summarizex the common treatment
of costs based upon A-133 Compliance Supplement, federal audit findings of various
federal sponsored programs, and best practices by other sponsored program recipients.
The tests of allowability of costs or factors that affect the allowability of costs
are as followed under OMB Circular A-21, Section C:
2cfr200.404 Reasonable Costs - a cost is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would
be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the the time
the decision was made to incur the cost.
2CFR200.405 Allocable Costs - a cost is allocable if the goods and services involved are chargeable or assignable
to that Federal award or cost objective in accordance with the relative benefits received.
Consistently Treated - accounted for in accordance with the appropriate generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) and the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS).
Conforms to the limitations or exclusions - as set forth in OMB A-21, Section J, General provisions for selected items of costs,
the sponsored program agreement as to the types or amounts of cost items.
The category that a selected item of cost falls under does not constitute an absolute
allowability for the cost item. Specific situations may warrant limitations or exceptions
to the treatment of the costs *. See below:
Ref. #J. 9
Communication Costs
Ref. #J. 12
Deans of faculty & graduate school
Ref. #J. 27
Labor relations costs
Ref. #J. 40
Rearrangement & alteration costs
Allowable with Prior Approval, as Indirect, as Required, with limitations/restrictions,