The Office of Public Affairs is the external relations/public affairs unit of the
Yosemite Community College District's Chancellor's Office. The primary goal of the
Office of Public Affairs is to enhance communications and relationships of the Yosemite
Community College District with the campus community, media, business and industry,
all levels of government, the general community and other higher education institutions.
Our success lies in our ability to effectively communicate awareness and understanding
of District accomplishments, objectives and decisions, such that the District and
its colleges garner profitable community partnerships today and for years to come.
Public Affairs' duties are vast and varied, but can be categorized in the following
broad set of areas: Communications, District Operations, Media Relations, Legislative
Relations, Community Relations/Marketing, Bond Measure E, Activity/Event Planning,
and Special Projects.
Key Contacts
Yosemite Community College District Kimberly Gibbs Executive Assistant Office of the Chancellor (209) 575-6519
Graciela Molina Senior Executive Assistant Office of the Chancellor (209) 575-6509
Columbia College Dr. Lena Tran President Columbia College (209) 588-5115
Modesto Junior College Jeanette Fontana Director of Public Relations Modesto Junior College (209) 575-6986