To make informed choices, all parties should be aware of confidentiality and privacy
issues, as well as institutional mandatory reporting requirements.
Confidential Reporting
If reporting students wish that details of an incident be kept confidential, they
should speak with licensed campus mental health counselors. For incidents that do
not involve sexual assault, violence, intimate partner violence, or stalking they
can speak with campus health services providers confidentially. Campus counselors
are available to help on an emergency basis. Their service is free of charge. Members
of the clergy, chaplains, and off-campus rape crisis center staff can also maintain
confidentiality and have no duty to report your information to the college. In addition,
the College may designate additional employees who can be consulted confidentially
by students. Check with the Title IX Campus Coordinator for names.
Reporting to Employees
All College employees who are not designated above as confidential, are required to
report all the details of which they are aware about an incident. They share this
information with the Title IX Administrator or Title IX Campus Coordinator. Giving
an employee notice of an incident constitutes official notice to the institution.
Incidents of sexual misconduct will be taken seriously when official notice is given
to the institution. Such incidents of sexual misconduct will be investigated and resolved
in a prompt and equitable manner under the College's resolution procedures.
You may request confidentiality and/or that the Title IX Campus Coordinator provide
you with remedies and resources without initiating a formal resolution process. The
coordinator will weigh requests for confidentiality against the institutional need
to address and remedy discrimination under Title IX. Generally, the College will be
able to respect your wishes, unless it believes there is a threat to the community
based on the use of weapons, violence, pattern, predation, or threatening conduct
by the person being accused.
In cases where your request for confidentiality is granted, the College will offer
you available resources, supports, and remedies. You are not obligated to pursue formal
resolution in order to access the resources that are available. If the College decides
that it is obligated to pursue a formal resolution based on the notice you have given,
you are not obligated to participate in the resolution process. However, the ability
of the College to enforce its policies or provide some remedies may be limited as
a result of your decision not to participate.
Incidents Involving Minors
Please be aware that institutional duties with respect to minors (those under the
age of 18) may require reporting sexual misconduct incidents to state agencies and/or
local law enforcement. As a result, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in sexual
misconduct incidents involving minors.