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The Modesto Junior College Campus Security Department is operates from two offices and services both the Modesto Junior College campuses and Central Services. 

For non-emergency questions or comments, please contact us at email:

Modesto Junior College Campus Safety Operations Manager

Headshot of Modesto Junior College Campus Safety Operations Manager, Harry DavisHarry Davis was hired in 2020 as the Campus Safety Operations Manager / Title IX Investigator. He was born and raised in Big Spring, Texas. At 19 years old, he joined the US Army as a Military Police officer. He is a graduate of Primary Leadership Development Course, Basic Noncommission Officer Course, Advanced Noncommission Officer Course and the Rear Detachment Commander Course. Harry worked as a Police Officer, Urban Warfighter, Special Weapons and Tactics team member, Commander, Criminal and Traffic Investigator, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant and Rear Detachment Commander. He retired after 21 years of military service. 

He changed uniform from camouflage to blue in a weekend, upon retiring from the US Army he was hired by the Department of the Army Civilian Police service as a supervisory police officer watch commander for Fort Hood, Texas now called Fort Cavazos Department of Emergency Services.

Upon leaving the Department of the Army Civilian Police program, Harry was hired by Combat Support Agencies, a security contract company, as a police field training officer and an explosive detector dog handler, where he worked in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Harry was content with retirement upon returning to the United States, while in California he met his wife and began to attend some classes at Modesto Junior College. It was in 2013, Harry was hired by Yosemite Community College District as a Lead Campus Safety Officer.

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