The Yosemite Community College District is committed to responding to the needs of
our diverse community through excellence in teaching, learning and support programs
contributing to social, cultural, and economic development and wellness. To that end,
it is the goal of Video Production Services to produce high quality videos that support
and promote Columbia College, Modesto Junior College, and Central Services. To support
this goal, all videos produced should accomplish at least one of the following:
1. Promote YCCD colleges and programs to encourage new student enrollment in traditional
and distance education offerings, improve retention, and promote engagement in student
support services;
2. Provide a platform for YCCD to share its teaching and learning philosophies and
practices among the colleges and units within the District, as well as with the communities
in our service areas and beyond;
3. Train a diverse population of students and staff on initiatives and information
of importance to the District;
4. Raise awareness of YCCD facilities and events; and,
5. Provide educational, informative, and entertaining programming that meets one or
more goals or objectives of the YCCD or its colleges.
Video Production Services are supported under the Office of Public Affairs and are
currently staffed with a full-time Video Production Specialist. Every effort will
be made to utilize best practices in resource and project management to meet the needs
and timeline of the projects requested. However, should competing priorities arise,
and resources are not available to accommodate all requests, project selection(s)
will be made in consultation with the Chancellor's Cabinet.