Infographic A graphic depiction of YCCD's economic impact with real-world comparison. Contains
just the key results from Emsi's economic impact analysis and investment analysis
for the District.
Fact Sheet A summary review of YCCD's economic impact. Contains just the key results from Emsi's
economic impact analysis and investment analysis for the District.
Executive Summary An abbreviated overview of YCCD's economic impact. Contains the key results from
Emsi's economic impact analysis and investment analysis, along with a high-level summary
of the study's methodology.
Main Report The full economic impact analysis and investment analysis for the YCCD. Presents
Emsi's findings for the analysis in the context of clearly spelled-out assumptions,
theory, and data sources, along with a sensitivity analysis and glossary of terms.
This report is mostly intended for economists and researchers interested in confirming
that the approach and documented data sources used are fully credible and transparent.