The District offers several health plan options for October 1, 2024 through September
30, 2025 plan years to eligible retirees.
Retirees under 65 (Single, 2-Party or Family) - YCCD will pay a portion of these plans (see rate sheet for specifics).
Kaiser (Note: Any persons over 65 must be enrolled in a KPSA plan* - see more
info below)
Blue Shield 80-G
Blue Shield 80-C
Blue Shield 90-C
Blue Shield 100-D
Retirees over 65 with Medicare A/B (Note - all participants must have Medicare Parts A & B - otherwise they must all
stay on an "under 65" plan). YCCD may pay the Medicare carve-out rate for Tier 1
retirees (hired before January 1, 2004). See rate sheet for specifics.
Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage (KPSA*)
Blue Shield 100-A (Rx $200D/$0-35) Plan, includes Medicare-D Prescription Coverage
Blue Shield 100-A (Rx $0D/$0-35) Plan, includes Medicare-D Prescription Coverage
Please review the following Comparison Sheet for plan services, co-pays, and deductibles.