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District Fiscal Advisory Council (DFAC)

The DFAC provides a venue specifically for the consideration of Fiscal Services issues, such as budget development, facilities, total cost of ownership, revenue generation, resource prioritization and allocation of other fiscal issues. This effort is aligned with the goal of continued building of dissemination of information between Central Services and the Colleges. The DFAC is a governance body that provides recommendations to the Chancellor and works collaboratively with other participatory governance bodies. In the event consensus is not met, the Chancellor will be advised of differing viewpoints and will make the final determination.

During 2019-20 and 2020-21, DFAC developed and recommended elements of a comprehensive Pilot Resource Allocation Model (RAM) based on the new Student Centered Funding Formula. Key elements include Values for a RAM, Procedures for a RAM, and Procedures for Revenue Scenarios. The model allocates the budget to the two Colleges, Central Services, and Institutional Costs. The overall objective of the model is to maximize student success and to meet the goals of the Board of Trustees and the District as a whole. A DFAC Budget Calendar was implemented to track key dates and timelines of reports and budgets to be prepared. The DFAC reviews the calendar each year and makes adjustments as necessary. The DFAC continues to focus on finalizing the RAM and to update key elements of the RAM as necessary.

District Fiscal Advisory Council Charge

DFAC Charge Document
DFAC Agendas & Minutes

All agendas and minutes for DFAC are housed on BoardDocs.

YCCD BoardDocs
Resource Allocation Model (RAM)