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HMBP Resource Documents


This page is a repository for copies of safety-related documents, important to MJC and Columbia campuses, but not accessible to the general public.


MJC EAST CAMPUS (documents pending update)      MJC WEST CAMPUS (documents pending update)
Modesto Junior College East Hazardous Materials Business Plan, Main Body updated July 2015

Appendix A: Hazardous Material Spill Forms 2015

Appendix B: MJC Emergency Response/Contingency Plan, July 2015

(These pages should be combined with pages 31 through 36 of main body HMBP)

Appendix C: Notification Communication Systems--2013 (also located Sections 4.1 & 4.2 in main body HMBP)

Appendix D: MJC Utility Shutoff Maps, March 2013

Appendix E: MJC East Facilities Site Maps, Oct 2015

Appendix F: Reportable Quantities Hazardous Materials Inventory, July 2014 (Waste & Non-Waste)

Appendix G: Review and Edits, including copies of CERS submission documents, July 2014

Modesto Junior College West Hazardous Materials Business Plan, Main Body updated Oct 2015

Appendix A: Hazardous Material Spill Forms 2015

Appendix B: MJC Emergency Response/Contingency Plan, Oct 2015

(These pages should be combined with pages 31 through 36 of main body HMBP)

Appendix C: Notification Communication Systems--2013 (also located Sections 4.1 & 4.2 in main body HMBP)

Appendix D: MJC Utility Shutoff Maps, March 2014

Appendix E: MJC Facilities Site Maps, May 2015 (1) (2)

Appendix F: Reportable Quantities Hazardous Materials Inventory, Nov 2015 (Waste & Non-Waste)

Appendix G: MJC Spill Control and Containment Plan, May 2015

Appendix H: Review and Edits, including copies of CERS submission documents, May 2015

Columbia College Hazardous Materials Business Plan, Main Body updated May 2015

Appendix A: Hazardous Material Spill Forms 2015

Appendix B: Columbia College Emergency Response/Contingency Plan, February 2015

(These pages should be combined with pages 31 through 36 of main body HMBP)

Appendix C: Notification Communication Systems--2014 (also located Sections 4.1 & 4.2 in main body HMBP)

Appendix D: Columbia College Utility Shutoff Maps, March 2014

Appendix E: Columbia Facilities Site Maps, May 2015

Appendix F: Reportable Quantities Hazardous Materials Inventory, April 2014 (Waste) (Non-Waste)

Appendix G: Columbia College Spill Control and Containment Plan, February 2015

Appendix H: Review and Edits, including copies of CERS submission documents, May 2015