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What is the role of the Purchasing Office?

The purpose for a Purchasing Department is to assist everyone in the District to obtain high quality
goods and services at the best price possible to accomplish our educational mission. To this end, State
and Federal laws/codes and Board policy apply which must be followed. We are using public tax funds for our purchases. We have a public trust to account for these funds and to use them wisely. 

How do i communicate my needs to Purchasing?

If you know what you are wanting to order and you have already chosen a vendor then you are ready to
have the responsible person in your department prepare a requisition. These are done in Colleague.
Enter all appropriate information, i.e.; vendor information, the detailed description of the item being
ordered along with item or catalog numbers. The “comments” field is where you would put the
information for your department, any specific details such as fax or e-mail information for the vendor
and any special needs you want fulfilled at the purchasing level. Keep in mind the “printed comments”
field is for anything other than the actual item descriptions and WILL show on the purchase order. It is
extremely important that you remember to add the approvers’ names in order for the approval process
before a purchase order can be issued. Make sure the approvers are aware that they have something
waiting to be approved and that the next approvers name is also in place so it continues through the
process, eventually ending up with the final approval of the District Controller. If these approvals are
not done properly your requisition will be stuck in a “not approved” status and purchasing will not be
aware that it even exists.

If you have an idea of what you want, but not a vendor or source of supply you can contact the
purchasing department. Often, we can do the research and help you narrow down what works best
for your needs at the best available price.

when do i need to get a quote?

If Quotes are required for the follow dollar amounts: 

Exceptions to this rule are for District approved computers (Vendors being used have CMAS numbers),

printers, or specialty, one-of-a-kind items. Another exception is purchasing additional items that match
existing items. When this is done, and there are not two or more vendors that can provide pricing, a
signed memo by the department chair must accompany the requisition. If in doubt, call our office.

when is a bid required?

By law, bids are required any time the total of a single Purchase Order exceeds $114,500.00 for
the remainder of the 2024 calendar year. This amount changes in December each year.

what is the timeline to obtain my goods or services?

If purchasing is gathering formal quotes, a minimum of seven (7) days is required to get the quote back.
When a formal bid is required, plan on approximately 30 days for the legal advertising, opening and
awarding of a bid. Lead times from suppliers vary widely. If an item is available in stock, it normally
ships within two or three days after receipt of order. If time is important, it is best to check with the
supplier to see what their policy may be. 

Is there any way I can speed up this process for an urgently needed item?

If an unforeseen circumstance arises that requires fast ordering, departments should coordinate with
their approving official(s) and call purchasing as soon as the electronic approvals have been completed.
We will either, process your request on the spot, if it is that urgent, or input it that day for printing and
transmission to the vendor the next morning. Please remember: If everything becomes a priority, then
every priority becomes routine. We need your assistance in keeping urgent requests to a minimum!

One last note for those who feel the need to circumvent the above directions....

We are not spending our money, or even company money. We are utilizing taxpayer dollars. Because of
this, we have Federal, State, and local Board Policy that must be followed. Purchasing is here to help
you get what you want, when you need it at the best possible price. We are also here to help you follow
the rules so that we all stay out of trouble and that you are then best equipped to achieve your goals.
We want to assist you to succeed, and we do know how to legally and efficiently purchase the goods
and services required. Whenever you are in doubt, or have questions concerning something you want
to order, please call Purchasing: (209)575-6522; Receiving/Delivery; (209)575-6910. We are definitely
here to help. Your call could easily save you time, effort and money!