General Use: Public Access and Culinary Instruction
Square Feet: 6,000
Status: Bid Award
Architect: Lionakis
Budget Cost: $3,320,000
Construction Start: September 2016
Opening: Fall 2017
Project Goal
The food/snack bar, student operated café, and Culinary and Pastry arts classroom/labs
presently occupy the lower level. Remodeling these areas will allow for more efficient
use of space, modernization and growth.
Reorganize and separate the shared spaces of the Café and Culinary Arts program in
the lower level of Manzanita. The existing lower level restroom facility will be upgraded
and made accessible. Relocation of interior walls, plumbing, HVAC ducting, electrical
outlets, lighting are likely. Relocate and reuse some of the existing food service
equipment where possible without moving the exhaust systems that run through the newly
completed second floor. New finishes on the walls and floors will be included.