Provide permanent facility that supports childcare activities and child development
instructional program growth in a safe environment. The completed project is anticipated
to be LEED Gold certified.
The Child Development Center/Child Programs building is currently in construction.
The building location is near the existing Child Development Center. The new Child
Development Training and Family Care Services Center will be a model of green and
sustainability that provides a safe an healthy learning environment in which children
can grow and develop to their fullest potential; space for adult students that facilitate
learning opportunities and incorporates the use of current and future instructional
technologies; and a center for community agencies to support children and families
on site.
Columbia College presently has two modular buildings separated by a road that serves
as the Child Care Center for 30 preschoolers and 24 toddlers. The center is also used
as the laboratory site for the child development degree program.
The center is inadequate for the instructional activities required by the degree program
and cannot accommodate family-related activities. There are no additional rooms beyond
the classroom and small kitchenettes in each modular building. Currently, only six
parking spaces are available for staff and two pull-up parking spaces for parents.
The new proposed facility will be a combined Child Care/Child Development Center,
which will contain:
Classrooms - Separate classrooms for preschoolers, toddlers and infants.